Medicare Care Plans
You may be eligible for bulk billed physiotherapy. Medicare are now providing physio rebates for those with chronic conditions who meet strict eligibility criteria. Only patients who are on a current GP management plan and have been referred directly by their GP under the Enhanced Primary Care plan (also known as a Chronic Disease Management / CDM plan) are covered. This plan enables GP’s to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic or terminal conditions that require a multidisciplinary team approach.
A chronic condition is one that has been (or likely to be) around for at least six months, such as chronic neck pain, chronic low back pain, chronic joint pain, osteoarthritis, type II diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis. Whether a patient with a chronic medical condition is eligible for this plan is completely up to the GP and is a clinical decision based on the patient’s needs.
The Medicare rebate under the care plan only covers approximately $60.35 of your consult fee. This means that you may still be out of pocket if your allied health care provider charge a ‘gap’ fee. Here at Palms Physiotherapy, as a commitment to providing physiotherapy services to members of the community with chronic conditions, we DO NOT charge a gap fee, meaning that there will be no ‘out of pocket expense’ for patients under this plan if they have a 20 minute consult. If you want a longer consult with our Physiotherapists, you can pay a gap fee. The choice is yours!
If you feel that you may qualify for the Enhanced Primary Care plan, discuss this with your GP. Once your GP fills out the appropriate paperwork, you can make an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists that is completely covered by Medicare. Please note that we cannot bulk bill your physiotherapy treatment unless you have an eligible care plan from your GP.
Palms Physiotherapy provides 20 minutes (bulk billed). We will also write to your GP to update them on your progress. If you want a longer consult with our Physiotherapists, you can pay a gap fee. The choice is yours!

If you think you may be eligible for the care plan - print this document out, or show it to your GP or nurse at you GP clinic.
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